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水入肚腸,身历其境者,当会冷暖自知. 如果在没有正確的方法下練唱,这 只会加深某种的歌唱習慣,累积得更多难以去更改的徵结,正 活像个老煙槍,唇邊老是叼著煙,口咀成了型歪了样. 如有更不幸的话,那会如一些行家们所說的,唱坏了声倒了嗓.这后果更是難以收拾.~好 些名歌手遇上这种事后,也就从此在市面上销声匿迹了.
如果你真的热爱歌 唱,那就找个名師吧(而世间假的名师也多得是,真令人疾首),別去"无师自通"的,把自已 的嗓子搞成"四不像",...在blog上给你的这一切资料,其作用仅足于做参考.握拳扎马的功夫,在实力现场,你的确是需要由名师(实力歌手)来指导的.这可能你会不苟 同我的意见,会驳拗说某某某某某某..,沒 聘老师,在自己的闭门摸索下,也唱得蛮好的.~这在一般上,对专业者而言,那顶多是个似模似样的假唱而已.
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♥ 唱歌时,一定要把喉咙扩 张,让气息涌过喉腔~振动声带...
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有 心捐助壞友PoWKilLeR充 作创意基金的善翁仁士们,
可联系Email:ranger.power7712@gmail.com or powkiller.com@gmail.com
以下为机噐英译:Some say that singing, as long as every day, singing, a lot of singing, singing would be natural for some promotion, some people say .., this is only "someone said," only, if so, if someone had sneaked into the mountains every day it continued to sing 2 ten years, come down and when the vibration is not to be Mie Kolin? Yigai easily swept the world championship, big and small??
Water into the intestines, immersive who will certainly Lengnuanzizhi. If there is no right way under the Lianchang, it will only deepen some sort of singing habits, the accumulation of more difficult to change the levy knot is like a old pipe, lips always Diaozhuo Yan, Tsui became the type of shape I like. If more unfortunate, then, that would be, as some experts have said, bad singing voice down the throat. This result is even more difficult to pick up . ~ better singer in such an incident, also in the market from sound silencer with no way out.
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