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虽说不上一楼一阁,现在连普通不过的咖啡麵店都有Karaoke 相伴,想要K歌,真是方便又容易.上两个星期,就有一家咖啡馆,在室内首创的举办了一次 karaoke歌唱比赛,或因反应热烈,听说将会在每个月里,都来一次K歌比赛..,时下流行 而大受欢迎的程度,可略见一斑.
■本人的经验是:太过平淡,容易朗朗上口的,不选;太过卖弄花巧的,不选;太 短的歌曲,不选;太过冷门的,也不选...
在初赛时..,稍有規模的赛事,一般上都会有选拔赛的,在80名的参赛者中, 常会挑选出30名入选者..,在内行人中,称这为"初赛".在初赛时为了适应评審们的口味(评審一般年龄都稍大),大可选用80年代,90年代..,那些 脍炙一时的,他们较能熟悉的歌曲来唱,那您的胜出率会较高.
如有机会被选进了"决赛",这时你可选用较近代的,较具特色的,或当下较火红的歌曲来唱..,至此階段,人们才会给予加倍用心的去聆听您唱的"歌",这是人之常 情,事之常态,别怪.
■也有一些赛事,是以一曲定江山的,那当然是选唱您的拿手好歌喽, 快乐!
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K song everywhere ...
Past one year, are very rarely heard any singing competition, those who engage in music, in addition to the crazy things that come to their senses, in order to make future career prospects, like, most of changed rows, holding a spade shovel to take, take hold of the broom broom. ..
While it is not the first floor of a tower, now even the common surface, but the coffee shop has a Karaoke accompany him, and you want to K songs, really convenient and easy. The last two weeks, there is a cafe, in the room first of its kind held a karaoke singing competition, or because of the enthusiastic response will be heard each month, the have come to a K song contest .., popular and large popularity can be seen by.
For some novice competition, often when the songs in the election, a headache, do not know how to choose a good ...
■ My experience is: too plain, easy easy to sing, not elected; too show off fancy, not elected; short songs, not vote; too unpopular, nor the election ...
In the preliminaries, when .., a little-scale events, generally, there will be trials, and in 80 of the entries would often pick out the 30 selected persons .., in the insiders, the calls it the "preliminaries." In the Preliminary assessment of when the order to adapt to their tastes (the average age of the assessment are slightly larger), they can use 80's, 90's .., those kuai zhi moment in time, they are more able to sing familiar songs, then your win rate will be higher.
After selection of the 30 post, the Assembly will come to a final, depending on the practice with the highest scores by article 1 (Champion), 2nd runner-up name, 3rd Runner-up .7 were privileged, 10, called excellent and 10 consolation prize.
Any chance of being elected to the "final", then you can use a more modern, more features, or immediate than the red-hot songs to sing .., bringing the stage, people would give double motives to listen to you sing The "song", which is human nature, something of the norm and blame.
■ There are also some events are based on a form a majority, then of course, your good at singing Song of the Month selection喽, happy!